E-mail: merofeev@graphics.cs.msu.ru
Research Interests:
- video and image processing
- machine learning
About Mikhail Erofeev
PhD Thesis: Development of methods of high-quality stereo generation for scences with semitransparent edges
Scholarships and grants
- The Russian President scholarship for young scientists and PhD students. (2015-2017)
- MSU scholarship for young teachers and researchers (2015)
- Grant U.M.N.I.K, "Stereo image processing for 3D enabled cell phones" (2014-2015)
Selected Publications
- Perceptually Motivated Benchmark for Video Matting. M. Erofeev, Y. Gitman, D. Vatolin, A. Fedorov, J. Wang. 2015 British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2015
- Automatic detection of artifacts in converted S3D video. A. Bokov, D. Vatolin, A. Zachesov, A. Belous, M. Erofeev. Proc. SPIE 9011, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXV (March 6, 2014), 2014
- Semiautomatic Visual-Attention Modeling and Its Application to Video Compression. Y. Gitman, M. Erofeev, D. Vatolin, A. Bolshakov, A. Fedorov. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (ICIP 2014), 2014