Mikhail Erofeev

Junior researcher

E-mail: merofeev@graphics.cs.msu.ru

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Research Interests:

  • video and image processing
  • machine learning

About Mikhail Erofeev

PhD Thesis: Development of methods of high-quality stereo generation for scences with semitransparent edges

Scholarships and grants

  • The Russian President scholarship for young scientists and PhD students. (2015-2017)
  • MSU scholarship for young teachers and researchers (2015)
  • Grant U.M.N.I.K, "Stereo image processing for 3D enabled cell phones" (2014-2015)

Selected Publications

  1. Perceptually Motivated Benchmark for Video Matting. M. Erofeev, Y. Gitman, D. Vatolin, A. Fedorov, J. Wang. 2015 British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2015
  2. Automatic detection of artifacts in converted S3D video. A. Bokov, D. Vatolin, A. Zachesov, A. Belous, M. Erofeev. Proc. SPIE 9011, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXV (March 6, 2014), 2014
  3. Semiautomatic Visual-Attention Modeling and Its Application to Video Compression. Y. Gitman, M. Erofeev, D. Vatolin, A. Bolshakov, A. Fedorov. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (ICIP 2014), 2014
Graphics and Media Lab